
Friday, 23 February 2018


Edmund hillary is fine and we can combine we can fly high in the sky but first we need to learn and earn and when there is a fire don't get burn and you need to turn.We can get our brains high like a butterfly and we say hi to those people that are kind.


  1. Kia or My name is morgan from grey main. I like your rap I thought about it and would end out to be very good. next time pu something about what you did. e noho ra (bye).

  2. This rap sounded great in class Antuarne. I can't wait to see the slideshow of it.

  3. Kia ora my name is Aza I liked your rap it sounded cool

  4. Hi my name is Vai i like this rap. It is so cool
    because i just reed your amazing rap for Edmund Hillary school
    right now at 10:13. Next time try to write somthing about yourself
    and what you did and i am in room 10. I just want to ask something how did you do this rap? If you want to see my blog here it is

  5. Hey Antuarne i am Rae-jay. I like the way you have raped about our school. I also like the way you said we can fly high and Edmund Hillary is fine. And that is true i believe that Edmund Hillary is fine. Antuarne may i just ask you a question please. Did you have a really hard time figuring out the rap. Here is my blog

  6. This is a good rap next time add screencastify.

  7. Thank you guys for the support

  8. kia ora nmy name is tapuvae i like ur rap
